The Magicians Wiki

"Let me get this straight. Your friend tried to remove your Reed's Mark, with magic, and-"
"Blew my arm off, yeah. I still can't cast either."
"Why not go into a hospital?"
"I don't have health insurance."
"I know a spell. Might make you vomit, though."
Kady Orloff-Diaz, Lee, and Pete[src]

The Arm-Reattachment Spell is a healing spell used by Kady Orloff-Diaz to reattach Lee's arm to his body.


When the Serpent group began targetting Hedge Witches, Lee got Reed's Mark tattooed on himself to prevent being killed by a Blood Worm. After the threat was over, Lee attempted to get his Mark removed by a friend but the spell used blew his arm off.

When Lee visited Kady Orloff-Diaz to help, she offered to help, but warned that the spell would cause him to vomit.[1]


