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""Protect the flame of knowledge, no matter the cost." I believe that's how the old motto goes."
―Everett Rowe[src]

Everett was the leader of the Governing Council and one of the prime overseers over the operations of the Order of the Library of the Neitherlands.


Everett was a human magician. Little is known about Everett's past except that he has been a member of the Library for a long time, hundreds of years before Zelda Schiff had even heard of it. He later became the Head of Circulation and a member of the Governing Council. He is implicitly the leader of the entire Order.

He was behind the persecution of the Hedge Witches and the plan to siphon the magic of the Wellspring into the Secret Sea and consume it to become a god, but was killed by Quentin Coldwater when he was pulled into the Seam.[1]


Everett was driven and pragmatic. He was devoted to the Library's stated purpose of protecting the flame of knowledge at all costs. He manufactured a plan to learn the secrets of the gods by becoming one himself and handing leadership of the Library to Zelda.

Magic and Abilities[]

To be added


As a member of the Order of the Library of the Neitherlands, Everett had access to the wealth of knowledge the Library has collected throughout its existence.






Appearances for Everett Rowe

In chronological order:


Bee and Key Transparent
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