The Magicians Wiki

"Kraken tentacles, helps build muscle."
Old Woman[src]

Krakens are cephalopod-like sea creatures found off the coasts of Norway and Greenland in the lore. But in the TV Show, it can be found in Fisher Beach near lifeguard station 17.[1]


When Kady Orloff-Diaz visited the Black Market for a Bag of Holding, she made a number of trades for an item of equal value, including trading Kraken tentacles for a book of spells and potions.[2]

In The Magicians: 5.06: Oops!...I Did It Again, Eliot Waugh discovers that Earth is in peril of being destroyed by the kraken. It is only with the help of the whales, who are constantly casting protective sigil on the ocean floor, that the planet is not getting destroyed. If the Kraken is released, the whales have a magic failsafe and will send Earth back 12 hours to allow another chance to avert catastrophe.

