The Seven Golden Keys are a set of magical keys created by Prometheus for magicians to return magic to the universe.
The story of the keys was told as a tale to young children in Fillory. Most Fillorian adults didn't believe it, however, sometimes pirates were said to venture into the After Island in search of it.
In the books, the keys do not have abilities beyond opening the door of The End of the World, and creating random portals which lead the key's holder somewhere they did not wish. This happened to Quentin Coldwater and Julia Wicker, when Quentin decided to experiment with the key's abilities. He was sent to Earth directly, not crossing through the Neitherlands. This happened again, when, back in Fillory, Quentin opens a portal for Poppy, in hope that it leads her back home, but instead sends them to the Neitherlands, where they meet Penny.
In the TV show, however, each key was created by the god Prometheus. Using his divine magic he created and imbued each key with powerful magic independent of the Wellspring. Each key has a particular magical power, and are able to create portals, usually to send the one who holds them further down the Quest for the Seven Keys. The keys are also linked to a children's book with no author, "The Tale of the Seven Keys". Whenever a key is discovered the book reveals a new chapter that shows the next steps in the quest to acquire all the keys and use them to return magic using the wellspring fountain in Castle Blackspire.