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Umber is the Fillorian patron god of Order that presides over the world of Fillory with his twin brother Ember. Umber was long thought to be murdered by The Beast, but actually faked his own death and moved to Vancouver, Canada on Earth. He spent his self-imposed exile collecting Fillory memorabilia throughout the years, enjoying his time away from the world and from his brother.


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Not much is known about the Fillorian God known as Umber. What is known is that he is the twin brother of Ember and that they created the land known as Fillory. It is later revealed that they did not make the planet but rather flipped it and started over on the other side, according to Calypso.


"Care to take a visit? Make some notes?
"I, uh... I–"
"I'm sorry. But you're acting like I'm asking you. Whereas I am a god and you are a hairless monkey. So nod and say thank you."
―Umber and Quentin Coldwater[src]

In contrast to his brother Ember's representation of Chaos and Entropy, Umber is a god that represents Law and Order. Over the eons, Umber has grown to despise Ember for his chaotic traits that greatly differs from his own more orderly characteristics.

After striking a deal with Martin Chatwin and faking His own death, Umber migrated to Earth to live in peace, away from the chaotic flamboyance commonly attributed to the work of Ember. However, after abdicating his position over His world, Umber held a lot of regret and shame over His abandonment of Fillory and His brother. But He was quick to try to move on and began work on creating a new world which He called "Cuba", which was quickly renamed "Cuba" after Eliot Waugh informed him that Cuba was already a country on Earth.

Magic and Abilities[]


Sloppy plotting
"That's just sloppy plotting."
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Umber's magical abilities are very advanced and raw. Like other gods, Umber is able to bestow upon a Magician a boost of magic via absorption of his Essence, making them as powerful as a Master Magician. Despite being a god and stronger than even Master Magicians, Ember called him the "weak one" out of them.

  • Magic Manipulation: Umber has shown to be above the capability of even Master Magicians, able to execute magic with slight movements. He's capable of creating entire worlds. The limits of his abilities are not yet known if there are any.
    • Matter Manipulation: Umber is able to create matter from nothing, as showcased when he created Fillory alongside his brother, Ember, and when he created a separate pocket world.
    • Inter-dimensional Travel: Umber has been shown capable of transporting himself and others through dimensions. This was first done when he abandoned Fillory in favor of Earth, as well as when he pulled Quentin into his pocket world.
    • Shapeshifting: Umber is capable of transforming his appearance at will through magic. He first appeared to Quentin Coldwater and Eliot Waugh as a normal looking human, although he wasn't able to change his height. However, his ability has its limits as Eliot was able to see through it using a revelation charm.


To be added


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Appearances of Umber

In chronological order:


Bee and Key Transparent
The Magicians Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Umber.